ref date:24 Sep 2000 (WBA)
Galbraiths education cover up
With thousands Of Scottish school children deprived of university entrance
exam results and with Sam Galbraiths lack of interest we now discover he
will NOT disclose all the documents that prove how totally incompetent he was to
the Scottish parliament.
Why Sam, is a matter of national security or do the papers show you taking orders
from London like the rest of your pro-Union , anti-Scottish Labour party?
Nicola Sturgeon, SNP, told sam the man in a letter that : "I am concerned that by
withholding any information on the advice issued to you by your
officials, you will undermine the ability of the education, culture and
sports committee to investigate this matter thoroughly. I am sure, in
the light of your previous statements, you will wish to reconsider your
refusal to release information on the internal advice."