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ref date:9 Jan 1998 (SI)
A Scottish Prime Minister?

Donald Dewar, the current Scottish Secretary who has fought a valiant battle to keep the infant Scottish parliamentary powers free from interference from London and Westminsters influence is to stand as a minister in the Scottish parliament, and give up his seat in London.

He said "For many years I have been a strong supporter of a Scottish Parliament - committed and convinced of the need for radical reform within the United Kingdom. The relationship with the Government of the UK will be crucial. The new parliament must earn the confidence of Scots. If I can help in any way to achieve these aims as a member of the new parliament, I would very much want to do so."

I think Dewar should eventually go the whole hog, do a deal with the Scottish Nationalists and break away from the right wing London led Labour party to make a Scottish parliament that deals with Scottish issues, in an independent Scotland, where the parliaments in London and Edinburgh stand as equals within the European Union.