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ref date:10 Nov 1997 (SI)
Directors Devolution Sceptics

The majority of members of the Institute of Directors (IoD)Scotland have major concerns over many aspects of Scotlands rapidly approaching devolution.

However, many said they would be interested in standing as members of the Scottish Parliament.

Nick Kuenssberg, the IoD Scotland chairman, told members yesterday that the survey, shows eight in ten members still have serious concerns with some or all of the proposals in the devolution white paper, and that three in four believe wage demands will be provoked by any increase in income tax.

Many IoD members are concerned that many candidates will come from party lists.

Six in ten members do not believe devolution will help the United Kingdom (who cares?) and the same percentage are worried that their costs will rise.

As 23 per cent of IoD members who responded are interested in standing for the Scottish Parliament, Mr Kuenssberg said: "We believe this fact to be of real significance and we are planning to follow up with discussions with the individuals concerned. It may be there will be a vacuum in the new system, especially with proportional representation, that we can do something about. It may be we can take the initiative. It could be an opportunity to represent the views of business and wealth creation."

It would be a good idea to get as many business men and women as possible involved in the new parliament, they see the benefits of the Euro and will help drive the Scottish economy faster into hi-tech, regardless of what London wants.