ref date:18 Nov 1999 (CD)
New terrorism bill too sweeping in what defines a terrorist act
The control freaks in London are at it again.
First internet and home computer spying, now anyone who
opposes companies policy or shouts out against government
policy is to be branded a terrorist.
Friends of the Earth's Kevin Dunion said: "This Bill
must not become a licence to snoop on all groups who
are opposed in some way to certain things
governments and companies are up to."
London wants to cast a big net to drag us all into conformity. Order.
Structure. The third way. The 4th Reich?
Having seen how efficiently Blair crushed all opposition to Chinas
premiers visit, whilst in the USA the tyrant was greeted as the leader of a
tyrannical regime, its hard to see why Blair shouldn't be locked up
as being a menace to a free society instead.