ref date:29 Mar 1999 (SI)
The Scottish office, a body of London approved bureaucrats had one of
its lackies say that the SNP could not legally hold a referendum on
Scottish idependence should it win control of the Scottish parliament and that
they (the Scottish office) wouldn't sanction spending for that vote, their
exact words were "What we would not be able to
do was legislate or spend money on things that were ultra vires the devolved powers."
London probably realises that LABOUR WILL LOSE
The polls have been rigged and support for independence is stronger than is apparent
London will veto anything to keep its last colony
The Scottish Office could NOT legally do this. To do so would contravene the
human rights declaration that London signed that ensures that
people of a particular race, be they Catalan, Yorkshiremen or SCOTS
cannot have their identity suppressed by any otherwise governing body ie
The Scottish office are also being cowardly . They withheld valuable
economic information from the SNP until the last minute, under
Londons orders and are now agin playing POLITICS, which they are
not supposed to do.
The SNP have every right to hold the referendum.
Given we are fighting to preserve the Kosovars, isn't it only fair the
Scots are given a free vote to peacefully assert their right to
self determination after 300 years under Londons 'benevolent' control