ref date:11 Jul 1999 (EDU)
Scottish teachers targeted by Labours fanatics
No one wants sub standard education for their children. But, with the
Scots paying through the nose in taxes that go South and never come back, we want more to help children than 'we'll strike off bad teachers'.
This is the best Labour and their hell hounds Liddell and Galbraith can do
? Its worse than pathetic. They have underfunded school infrastructure for
decades in Scotland, as the people who KNOW. The Teachers, not the
pen pushers. London has underpaid teachers for decades. Now they are
blackmailing teachers into deals to work harder for pitiful recompense.
Labour will strike off 'bad teachers', probably those who are vocal about
telling their school district that Labour in London and locally are to blame
for most of the ills in the schools!