ref date:9 Mar 2001 (EDU)
Universities paid for by Scots and used by NON-Scots
With the backing of the London controlled Scottish executive
we saw double taxes of university students under the graduate tax.
We saw Scottish kids unable to get their places in university
because the dumb qualifications authority messed up (and is STILL)
messing up exams and marking - UNDER LABOURS 'guidance'.
Now it seems the Scottish universities are full of Southern English
students and soon apparently, we can expect an influx of Chinese and
Malaysian students.
There is NOTHING wrong with cultural diversity at university, its one
of the best things about them, but the de facto EXCLUSION of Scottish students
because of fiscal and education policies forced on Scotland
by London is bl--dy disgusting.
So much for Blairs 1997 MANIFESTO LIE about opening up higher education. Sure there are more places, but fewer Scots able to take those places.