ref date:9 Oct 1998 (CD)
Single Scottish police force affront to democracy?
There are plans afoot to merge all of Scotlands existing distinct police forces
into a single force.
From a fiscal and resource point of view this seems very sensible but some
have raised fears that such a force would be a useful and damaging
political weapon.
Earlier in October 1998, Ian Oliver, former chief constable of Grampian police (North East Scotland), was attacked by all political parties for even suggesting a centrally
controlled police force could be used as a 'repressive force' in the event of violence between unionist
and separatist factions. (pro and anti indepedence groups).
This may seem like scare mongering, but look at how the police force
in Yorkshire and Notts was used to suppress striking miners enabling the Thacher government to break the Union and put over 100,00 men out of work. There IS
as precedent, and that is worrying especially as the Scottish parliament
will STILL answer to the Scottish office and therefore London and Blairs
Even Sir William Sutherland, the leading police chief in Scotland has said there would be issues with a single force that would warrant close examination
because of its political ramifications.