
Issue 24, April 2000
NOTE-- due to regulations set by the Labour party in London
Only persons with the right to vote in the UK may contribute directly
to the SNP. Supporters who have no vote in the UK are asked to
contribute to our North America Fund, the income from which is retained
in North America to support awareness-raising there about Scotland and
the SNP.
Visiting the United States on behalf of the SNP the party's Deputy Leader, Mr John Swinney MSP, hailed the event as a success and a great show piece for Scotland in the USA. Participating in the Tartan Day festivities Mr Swinney said:
"I am delighted to have been in Washington for this hugely significant event taking place on the anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, when Scots dedicated themselves to the Independence of their nation.
"Scots played a hugely significant role in the development of the United States. Nine signatories of the American Declaration of Independence were of Scottish descent.
"With the first Scottish Parliament for almost three hundred years up and running, Scotland has taken the first steps towards re-emerging from the London shadows and rejoining the international community. Scotland's identity needs to be strengthened within the wider world, and Tartan Day is playing an important role in that process.
"As well as celebrating our past, Tartan Day can boost the marketing of Scottish tourism, inward investment and exports. It provides an excellent platform for Scotland's industries to attract many more clients from the crucial United States market.
"The more often Scotland can speak out for itself in the world, the more economic opportunities and jobs we can generate at home. 'Tartan Day' is a welcome US initiative that can be enjoyed by everyone in Scotland."
Addressing the School of Public Policy dinner in London on the "Challenge for Democracy in the 21st Century", the Scottish National Party leader Mr Alex Salmond MSP expressed his belief that Scottish independence would be a positive catalyst for change in England. Expanding on this belief Mr Salmond said:
"This re-emergence of democracy in Scotland at the beginning of the 21st century will, I hope, act as a beacon to campaigners in the south who are desperate for UK politics and democracy to escape from the 19th century.
"Events in Scotland are now moving at a pace that will have a profound impact on the rest of the UK. Devolution has shown itself as a phase in the process of Scottish Independence. Democratic renewal in Scotland has smoothed the path to Independence, and it is my belief that Scottish Independence will be a crucial catalyst for democratic renewal in the rest of the UK.
"It will be the key to the long overdue re-examination by the people of England of their true role and place in the world. It will allow Britain's imperial tradition to be placed in its proper context - as part of our collective past, rather than a drag on our present, and barrier to our future.
"Twenty years from now, England's institutions will have embraced 21st century democracy. Then, both Scotland and England will be well placed to meet the ongoing challenges of a century that offers so much for us both - if we grasp the thistle of real democratic reform and renewal."
Highlighting the benefits of a Scottish Parliament that Mr Salmond believes will be an impetus for change in England Mr Salmond also said:
"I am glad to say that, with the return of the Scottish parliament, a new political life has emerged in Scotland. I have been an MP at Westminster for 13 years - and the contrast could not be more dramatic.
"In Westminster, you are cosseted behind a protective barrier - the MPs inside, the public outside. Westminster's shutters are firmly down.
"The Scottish Parliament is so refreshingly different. It is a public parliament - we do our business among the shops and homes of the Royal Mile. The people of Scotland have proved quick to take advantage of this access - it is democracy for the people.
"But of course the Scottish Parliament is about more than its location - its very style and nature should act as a beacon to the straining democracy of Westminster."
The issue of land reform and land ownership returned to the political agenda with the announcement that the Clan Chief of MacLeod is attempting to sell the Cuillins for £10 million to fund the costs of repairing a leaky roof at Dunvegan Castle. The issue is one of long-standing interest - particularly because of events like the Highland Clearances - and the sale has reawakened interest in the issue concerning rights and proof of ownership.
The SNP's member of the Scottish Parliament's Justice & Home Affairs Committee Ms Christine Grahame has now called on the Liberal-Labour administration in Edinburgh to look into the ownership of the Cuillins of Skye.
Ms Grahame called for an amendment to the Abolition of Feudal Tenure Bill, which would require all title to land holdings and interests in land to be registered with the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland, otherwise they would be null and void. Ms Grahame pointed out that there is no absolute legal obligation in Scotland to have land ownership entered into a public register. Ms Grahame said:
"The Cuillins of Skye - one of Scotland's most beautiful mountain ranges, and an area of major international importance - has been put on the market by John MacLeod of MacLeod, on the basis of a challengeable claim.
"He claims that the land has been in his family for the best part of a thousand years. But the title to this land must be challenged, and the Scottish government have the powers to do so. Under current arrangements, the Scottish administration can act on behalf of the Crown, representing the interests of the people of Scotland.
"I am calling on the Scottish government to use their powers and challenge this and any other similar land ownership claims. However during the passage of the Bill to abolish feudal tenure through the Justice Committee, I proposed such an amendment but the Labour Minister, Angus MacKay, rejected my proposal.
"Since we are at long last abolishing feudalism in Scotland, we cannot allow a situation to develop where supposed feudal tenure - based on centuries-old claims - converts directly into absolute ownership, while local community interests are completely ignored.
"At present, none of the land reform proposals of the Lab/Lib administration would have any impact on the planned sale of the Cuillin. The Scottish Parliament must review these proposals. Land in Scotland has been abused and sold over the heads of the people for generations."
After initiating a debate in the Scottish Parliament on the need for Scottish fiscal autonomy the SNP have gained support from Labour's very own partners in the Edinburgh Government - the Liberal Democrats. In a speech by Malcolm Bruce MP to the Lib Dems' Welsh conference in Llandudno he said that Labour's devolution settlement is "unsustainable in the long term", and called for financial autonomy for the Scottish Parliament. Welcoming the support the SNP's Shadow Finance Minister Mr Andrew Wilson MSP said:
"Malcolm Bruce's speech opens up a fundamental split between the Labour and Lib Dem coalition parties in Scotland. In saying that devolution is 'unsustainable in the long term', Malcolm Bruce is responding to the fact that nearly 70% of Scots want more powers for the Scottish Parliament, with a majority of Scots supporting Independence in a referendum context.
"Fiscal autonomy for the Scottish Parliament is a strong argument that the SNP have advanced, and we welcome support for our policy from the Lib Dems and others. Labour are in a minority on this key issue. In the SNP debate last Thursday, Lib Dem MSP Robert Brown also backed the case for financial powers.
"If all the taxes raised in Scotland stayed within the Scottish budget, then the £60 million that will be paid in tax to build the Holyrood parliament - nearly one-third of the total cost - would be available to invest in Scottish public services, instead of going straight to the London Treasury.
"This is just one example of why Scotland needs to be in charge of our own resources, instead of subsidising the UK exchequer. Every other European legislature has more financial powers than the Scottish Parliament currently has."
Speaking in a keynote debate at the 21st Celtic Film and Television Festival in Aberystwyth with Ron Davies - the former Labour Welsh Secretary who is now calling for more powers for the Welsh Assembly - the SNP Shadow Minister for Culture, Broadcasting & Gaelic in the Scottish Parliament, Mr Michael Russell MSP said that broadcasting could be the first new function to be transferred from Westminster to the Scottish Parliament. Mr Russell said:
"Broadcasting powers could be the first to be transferred from Westminster to the Scottish Parliament. There is majority support in the broadcasting community and in Scotland as a whole to invest in the future of broadcasting, and the Scottish Parliament has a vision to achieve this.
"The devolution settlement is capable of moving to Independence, and accruing additional powers on the way. Broadcasting could and should be at the forefront of this process, so that Scotland can have a distinctive window on the wider world."
In response to a speech by the London-based Scotland Secretary, John Reid, to the Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce in which he attempted to say that devolution was the end of the process of returning power to Scotland, the SNP's Deputy Leader Mr John Swinney MSP highlighted a number of facts disputing Mr Reid's assertion:
* The most recent Scotsman/ICM poll showed that 68% of Scots want more constitutional change, and do not believe that devolution is the "settled will of the Scottish people" (22/2/00).
* The most recent poll on an Independence referendum - Scotland on Sunday/ICM - showed that a majority would vote Yes to Independence: Yes: 47%, No: 43%. Removing the 'Don't knows' would equate to Yes: 52% and No: 48% (30/1/00).
* The SNP are ahead of Labour in the most recent Herald/System Three poll, at 37 per cent on the first Scottish Parliament question to Labour's 33 per cent. On the second vote, it is 34 per cent for the SNP and 29 per cent for Labour (3/4/00).
* In the Ayr by-election, the SNP secured a swing of 21.4 per cent from Labour since the last Westminster election.
* On the basis of the Ayr swing, the SNP would have 58 seats in the Scottish Parliament. Labour would have 26.
* The Scottish Parliamentary Election Study published last month showed that 77 per cent of Scots choose Scottish identity, compared to just 17 per cent who prefer Britishness.
Commenting on Mr Reid's assertions the SNP's Deputy Leader said:
"The development of the Scottish Parliament is part of Scotland's Independence process. Sixty-eight per cent of Scots want to grow the powers of the Parliament, and there is a clear majority for Scottish Independence. London Labour are badly out of touch with developments in Scotland."
The Deloitte Touche Scottish Chambers' Business Survey, conducted by Strathclyde University's Fraser of Allander Institute has shown that the strength of the pound is damaging the Scottish economy. Lex Gold, Director of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, says in their press release: "the strength of the pound is still having an adverse effect on our exporters with the out-turn in orders weaker than anticipated."
A separate but related development is the EU Commission forecast that growth in the euro-zone area will outstrip growth in the UK. Responding to the reports the SNP's Shadow Finance Minister Mr Andrew Wilson MSP said:
"The Scottish Chambers' survey shows that London Labour's dithering over joining the euro is damaging the Scottish economy, and costing orders and jobs. That is true for shipbuilding on the Clyde, and right throughout the Scottish manufacturing sector.
"Since 1995, sterling has appreciated by over 40 per cent against the Deutschmark, which is devastating Scottish industry and exporters.
"Growth in the euro-zone is forecast to exceed UK growth, providing another compelling reason for Scotland to join the euro, and benefit from Europe's competitive currency and low interest rates."
The SNP have welcomed Labour's support for the logic of its key manifesto pledge on drug courts - a policy which learns from the drug court experience of Canada and the US. Commenting on remarks by a senior Canadian judge calling on the Scottish Government to adopt the SNP's specialist drug courts policy, SNP Shadow Deputy Justice and Equality Minister with special responsibility for drugs Mr Michael Matheson MSP said:
"Judge Bentley has urged the Scottish Government to adopt the specialist drugs court policy advocated by the SNP in our Scottish elections campaign. Scotland's drugs crisis needs to be tackled, and in countries where drug courts are in operation there has been considerable success. These specialised courts would focus on rehabilitating non-violent addicts who commit crimes to feed their drugs habit.
"Indeed, Judge Bentley, who has been presiding over Canada's drug courts in their first sixteen months, stated that three quarters of those on the programme have successfully been rehabilitated, and are holding down full-time jobs without committing any further crimes.
"Angus MacKay is currently seeing the drug courts working at first hand in the United States where they have been running for ten years. I am pleased that New Labour have finally come round to the SNP way of thinking on such an important issue.
"The sooner drug courts are introduced to help ease the burden on Scotland's high courts and successfully deal with drug-related offences the better. Drug courts were the central plank of the SNP's anti-drug strategy during the Scottish elections, but this was attacked by New Labour at the time. Now, like in many other policy areas, New Labour are supporting an SNP policy."
A report by a transport and infrastructure expert at the Imperial College, London - Professor Stephen Glaister - which analyses the high road fuel tax paid by motorists and hauliers in Scotland has revealed that our gasoline prices are the highest in the world. Calling for the increase in gasoline tax above inflation to be halted the SNP's Deputy Shadow Minister for Transport & the Environment, Ms Linda Fabiani MSP, said:
"Professor Glaister's study confirms the utter nonsense of oil-rich Scotland paying the highest gasoline prices in the developed world. And the evidence is clear. Scotland's oil has bankrolled Britain through offshore oil taxation, and yet the London Exchequer continues to fleece the Scottish motorist and haulage industry.
"A halt must be called to London Labour's highway robbery, and the SNP will continue to raise this vital issue in the Scottish Parliament until it is stopped.
"In the Budget, Gordon Brown raised road fuel duties by another two pence a litre - despite what he said, this increase amounted to twice the rate of inflation. This year's Budget was the fifth time that Labour have imposed the disastrous fuel duty escalator on motorists and hauliers.
"Labour's fuel tax is nothing more than a crude revenue raiser, and has nothing to do with the environment. Those being affected most by this rise are those in rural areas where air pollution is not an issue.
"Furthermore it highlights another reason why the Scottish Parliament should have power over Scotland's taxation instead of leaving it to politicians in London who act in their party's interest and not Scotland's."
The SNP have published a breakdown of the System Three opinion poll, which disprove the controversial remarks made by Clive Soley - Chairman of the Westminster Parliamentary Labour Party - that pensioners are typically "Tory" and often "racist". In fact the figures show that the Tories lie in a poor third place among older voters in Scotland, with the SNP moving ahead of Labour.
In the first-past-the-post Scottish Parliament vote, the SNP are only three points behind Labour among voters aged 55 and over (28% to 31%), with the Tories third. And in the proportional representation vote, the SNP are six points ahead of Labour (31% to 25%), with the Tories and the Lib Dems far behind in joint third place.
The Shadow Minister for Older People Ms Christine Grahame MSP said:
"London Labour are very wrong about the votes of older people in Scotland. The most recent polling figures show that the Tories are in a poor third place among people aged 55 and over, with the SNP closing on and moving ahead of Labour. Labour's three-point lead on the first Scottish Parliament vote is outweighed by the SNP's six-point lead on the second.
"These are record levels of support for the SNP among older people, and is the price that London Labour are paying for their failure to deliver the policies that older people need."
Voting intentions of voters aged 55+
1st vote 2nd vote
SNP 28% 31%
Lab 31% 25%
Con 23% 16%
Lib Dem 12% 16%
Other 7% 12%
John Swinney's participation in the Tartan Day celebrations was a near run thing. The preceding day he had to participate in the debate on the future of the Holyrood building project. Having being booked on the 6.15pm shuttle to London for his connecting flight to America he was watching the clock closely as proceedings ran on after the usual 5.30pm cut-off time.
Luckily the last vote was taken for John to be seen running from the chamber, heading for the airport. Just as well he made it as the SNP's prodigious press operation had already drafted his press release expressing his delight at being present at the celebrations.