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NOTE-- due to regulations set by the Labour party in LondonOnly persons with the right to vote in the UK may contribute directly to the SNP. Supporters who have no vote in the UK are asked to contribute to our North America Fund, the income from which is retained in North America to support awareness-raising there about Scotland and the SNP.As intimated to you last month there was a possibility that the leader of the SNP, Alex Salmond, may have visited the United States early next year. We are sorry to impart that this will not be as Mr Salmond's diary is full up and any leeway has to be taken up with unforeseen issues. However the party does plan to send a senior representative to the Tartan Day celebrations next April in Alexandria, Virginia. It is envisaged that this will involve an invitation to an all-party event and other visits such as a keynote speech at an American University or Institution. Again apologies for the disappointment concerning a February visit but we'll keep you posted about the April event. SNP SWEEP TO VICTORY IN NORTH EAST SCOTLAND BY-ELECTION The SNP won a decisive victory in the North East Scotland European by-election, as Labour's vote collapsed and the Tories beat them into third place. In fact the SNP had more votes than New Labour, the Tories and the LibDems put together It was a humiliating result for Labour in the run-up to next May's elections for the Scottish Parliament, as they trailed the Tories by more than 1,500 votes, while the SNP increased its majority. SNP victor Ian Hudghton held the seat with 57,445 votes, far ahead of his rivals in a contest which was billed as a two-horse race between the Nationalists and Labour. Instead Labour managed to come third in this two horse race. The poll, which was caused by the sudden death of SNP deputy leader Dr Allan Macartney, witnessed the SNP's vote increasing after an ICM poll in The Scotsman newspaper during the campaign showed the SNP lead over Labour narrowing to only 4%. SNP leader Alex Salmond MP described his party's victory as "sensational" and said Labour had suffered "utter humiliation". He said: "This is a blow for all the unionist parties, with the Tories' support 4% down on its North East vote in the General Election. "Despite recent visits to Scotland by the Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Labour's spin-doctor-in-chief Peter Mandelson, the Labour campaign had misfired." The winner Ian Hudghton MEP said the result showed that "Scotland is in the process of independence". Even a rebel Labour MP, Dennis Canavan, joined in the criticism and described the result as "absolutely humiliating" and said Labour had paid the price for "negative campaigning against the SNP, instead of putting across positive policies". The result was:
PARTY VOTE % 1994 VOTE1994 % LONDON TV BOSSES BLOCK SCOTTISH TV NEWS PROGRAMME The London Board of Governors of the British Broadcasting Corporation confirmed its decision not to sanction a dedicated six o'clock TV news programme produced in Scotland. Members of the Broadcasting Council for Scotland (BCS) and all Scottish opposition parties, which had campaigned for a bulletin covering Scottish, UK and international stories from a Scottish perspective, were bitterly disappointed. SNP parliamentary broadcasting spokeswoman Roseanna Cunningham MP said: "This is the wrong decision for Scotland, and the wrong decision for the BBC. "It is arrogant and high-handed, and flies in the face of the Scottish consensus. A recent poll showed that seven Scots in 10 are in favour of a Scottish-based and Scottish-edited main evening news bulletin - not the window dressing that the BBC has announced. "As far as the `Scottish Six' is concerned, it isn't a question of `if', but `when'. All that this decision means is that the BBC Governors will be dragged kicking and screaming by the pace of events post-devolution towards a `Scottish Six', rather than showing an ability to rise to the challenge now. "This could well represent the twilight for the BBC in Scotland, because viewers will simply exercise consumer choice with their remote controls." The BBC decision to reject a Scottish six o'clock news went against its own private polling evidence revealing strong demand for news programmes made in Scotland. Details of a Mori poll for the BBC which shows that the governors' favoured option - a television news programme produced in London - was backed by just one in five of the Scottish public. Other polls by Scottish newspapers showed overwhelming support for a Scottish Six O'Clock News. However it is widely speculated that pressure by the Labour Government - who appoint the BBC's Governors - was a major factor in the decision to block a Scottish Six. Labour leader Tony Blair was reported to be implacably opposed despite comments that the decision should be left up to Scots. The issue even took on a ridiculous aspect with BBC Scotland cancelling the Scots word "Hogmanay" from their New Year's Eve programming after a senior BBC official in London asked: "What's this Hogmanay?". In addition a member of the Broadcasting Council for Scotland was called a nationalist by a BBC Governor - the member in question was an activist in the Labour party. YEARLY SCOTTISH POLLS - SNP AND INDEPENDENCE IN POLL POSITION The yearly average for the Systems 3 opinion polls - the most regular barometer of political opinion in Scotland - has shown the SNP to be ahead in party preference. The results were SNP 39.8%, Labour 37.7%, Tory 10.4%, Liberal Democrat 10.8% and others 1.1%. The most regular opinion polls on support for independence - ICM - have also shown majority support for independence. The results were for independence 51%, against independence 39%, don't know/no opinion 9%. The Chief Executive for the SNP, Mr Michael Russell, said: "These results are unprecedented. Not only is this the first time the SNP has taken the lead in the annual poll average for Systems 3 but it is the first time the Labour party has been beaten in first place since at least 1974, probably even longer. "This surely must indicate that we are witnessing a historic sea change in Scottish politics. Devolution has only created a dynamic where the self-confidence of the people of Scotland has been lifted to immeasurable heights. "Not only has the SNP taken poll position but independence has also been the favoured option in ICM polls month after month. This is another unprecedented and historic change in the Scottish political system. It bodes well for the future." BROWN'S U.S. TAX EXAMPLE ONLY HIGHLIGHTS LABOUR DUPLICITY Debate over the issue of tax harmonisation within the European Union erupted with some European Ministers calling for action on co-ordination whilst others defended the member state's rights to keep fiscal autonomy. However the Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer (the UK's Treasury Secretary) Gordon Brown opened himself up to criticism on the issue of fiscal autonomy. Brown, a leading member in the Blair administration, said he was against an EU wide taxation rate and cited America as an example of a continent wide economy with differing tax rates at state and county level. The SNP jumped on this as an example of Labour duplicity as concerned fiscal autonomy for the Scottish Parliament. The SNP's Treasury spokesperson John Swinney MP said: "The SNP are in favour of fiscal autonomy for EU member states but would be prepared to discuss the issue of EU tax co-ordination in terms of the avoidance of job damaging tax rates. "However the Labour party's example of America as a model of fiscal autonomy only raises questions about their own policy of devolution for Scotland. If the US is a perfect example of fiscal autonomy leading to prosperity then why are they not in favour of more fiscal powers for the Scottish Parliament? "The SNP believe that all money raised in Scotland by taxes should be spent by the Scottish Parliament or Scottish Councils. It would appear that the Labour party's desire to emulate the Tories anti-European credentials has led them to show up the duplicity of their arguments. "They are only in favour of fiscal autonomy if they can control the taxes - in this case London. Fiscal autonomy for a Scottish Parliament would only lead to them losing control of how our money is spent." SNP TOURISM POLICY - SCOTLAND BEING UNDERSOLD OVERSEAS The SNP has called for Scottish tourism to be given a clear and bigger profile when marketing the country abroad. The SNP's Vice-President Mr Andrew Welsh MP has highlighted tourism literature gathered from travel offices in North America, which show that people interested in travelling to Scotland are given a very "London-centric" image of what the UK has to offer - in terms of the available brochures - rather than Scotland being marketed overseas as a distinct tourism location. Mr Welsh said: "Tourism is Scotland's biggest employer - and credit must go to all businesses big and small which have made the industry what it is today - but it needs the strategic support which other sectors have long enjoyed. "We do have one of the most beautiful corners of Europe on our doorstep, and we also have an immediately recognisable international image, but we are failing to realise our full potential in these respects. As the literature available in North America which we have gathered shows, potential visitors to Scotland are given a very 'London-centric' view of the tourism industry. "We must be in a position to offer a package which attracts new visitors, and ensures repeat visits. There are a multitude of places for tourists to spend their money - if it is to be spent in Scotland, we need to be able to market ourselves directly to the rest of the world, and then offer people the best when they come here. "In order to beef up our marketing effort overseas, the SNP propose the establishment of 'commercial embassies', which would act as one-stop shops to boost tourism, exports and inward investment - building on the presence of Locate in Scotland and our proposed Export from Scotland agency. We believe that only by such co-ordinated action can the full benefits of Scotland - in tourism, as well as in the other areas - be fully realised." The Chairman of "Business for Scotland" - a group of business people who support the concept of Scottish Independence - Mr Dennis MacLeod said: "At a time when the high value of sterling is doing more than anything else to undermine our tourism industry, we simply can't afford to be underselling ourselves overseas. "The 'London-first' image that is projected internationally is the opposite of what is required as Scotland approaches the dawn of a new political era. Increasingly, we are viewed as a distinct entity - not a London add-on - and we must market ourselves accordingly." SNP WIDEN INTERNATIONAL LINKS Over the past month, there has been substantial SNP activity at an international level Alex Salmond MP and the party's External Affairs Spokesman, George Reid, met with the Minister-President of the Government of Flanders, Luc van den Brande, and with the Ambassador of France. Mr Reid also met the Ambassador of Italy and senior officials from the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Deputy Spokesman Angus Robertson gave an SNP press briefing at the EU Council of Ministers in Vienna, and also spoke at a conference of "stateless nations" hosted by the Catalan Goverment in Barcelona. This followed a similar briefing by Mr Reid to politicians from Scandinanvian and Baltic states in Stockholm. The party's International Bureau has also stepped up its contacts with the 38 consulates-general and consulates now present in Edinburgh, and will issue monthly briefings to embassies and foreign media as from January 1999. IN WAITING - NEW BOOK BY SNP's CHIEF OFFICER Coming to a book store near you soon - "In Waiting: Travels in the Shadow of Edwin Muir" - a book on Scotland's changing political attitudes Michael Russell the Chief Executive of the SNP. This book's purpose is to give a picture of Scotland in the months before the great constitutional change. The method and emphasis gives us the raw material of evidence in the words of people of all kind, ages and conditions. Mike Russell also speaks mainly in his own voice as a well-informed and intelligent observer. Mike Russell travels the land to see how much has changed since Edwin Muir wrote his much-admired Scottish Journey in 1935. Then Muir said that his main conclusion was that "Scotland is gradually being emptied of its population, its spirit, its wealth, industry, art, intellect, and innate character". He finds that in some ways conditions in the Nineties are even worse. He is passionate about the decay in education, "the foundation of society", because of inadequate resources. He is dismayed by widespread poverty and hopes that all parties might agree to make its elimination their most important task. In spite of all these harsh facts, Mike Russell is optimistic over the future and for the same reason - the attitude of the people. That is what has been the greatest change since the time of Muir. He has obvious political points to make: "Scotland needs not just its independence," he stresses, "but also the strong values of its past and the deep and abiding belief in a more equal, more just, more compassionate society". This is a book which is free from the partisan abuse which all too often disgraces political debate. Mike Russell hopes that the parties will work together in the new Parliament. This is what the people want because they, or most of them, are determined not to let Scotland fail again. We now have a new chance and, Mike Russell says, "Scotland has grown up". He is in turn witty and serious, and he has written a wise and yet encouraging book. In Waiting: Travels in the Shadow of Edwin Muir by Michael W Russell. Published by Neil Wilson Publishing, £49.99. Soon to be available on the SNP's website shop on http://www.cortex.co.uk/snp/catalogue/index.cfm SNP SUPPORTS CALL FOR SAINT ANDREW'S DAY HOLIDAY The SNP has supported calls by Cardinal Thomas Winning, leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, for St Andrew's Day to be declared a national holiday. Winning is campaigning for the new Scottish parliament at Holyrood to pass legislation to make November 30 a public holiday. The cardinal has revealed, in his Glasgow archdiocese newspaper, that he has already taken the unprecedented step of allowing his own office staff to take the day off to prove his commitment to the idea. Winning recently invoked the private wrath of Labour party officials when he gave a speech which praised the concept of nationalism. Speaking last month to an international delegation of members of the European parliament in Brussels, the cardinal described nationalism in fulsome terms as "mature, respectful and international in outlook". Winning told Flourish, the archdiocese newspaper, that the holiday would reaffirm the true meaning of feast days. After all, the Irish take a day off on St Patrick's Day and all round Europe national feast days are marked by a holiday," he said. "This day would have wide ecumenical support. All the churches recognise St Andrew as an apostle and patron, and I think it is important that we give back to public holidays some of the religious significance that they seem to have lost in recent years." Roseanna Cunningham, who is the SNP MP for Perth and Kinross, said the party wanted to see the country's patron saint's day "get the recognition it deserves". An SNP-controlled council in Angus has already declared the date to be a local holiday. MONITORING THE CANADIAN AND AMERICAN PRESS We are indebted to many recipients who pass on articles about Scotland and the constitutional debate. Special thanks must go to Tom Hart of California who has passed on several articles concerning Scotland in the San Francisco Chronicle. This is a vital part you can all play in helping the SNP build its profile in the States and Canada. Knowing what is being said about the SNP and Scotland in North America is vital to building up that positive profile. Just recently we had to deal with an article which misrepresented a violent attack as if it was connected to the SNP or Scottish independence. This part of the SNP's most virulent opponents' campaign to smear the SNP by attempting to raise anti-Englishness as an issue as they want to create a climate of fear about the SNP. The facts are that the SNP is the only party which has proscribed membership of anti-English groups. In the case of one - Settler Watch - we took them to court and bankrupted them! We also have many prominent members born and raised in England with English relatives - the SNP's Chief Executive, Mike Russell for one. We would therefore be indebted if you could alert us to any articles about Scotland, the constitutional debate or the SNP that appear in any North American papers. If you can download them from the web and send them on that would be great. This will allow us to know what is being said about the SNP and to set the record straight where there is misrepresentation. AND FINALLY Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you next month....and year. SNP |