
Issue 26, June 2000
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The SNP has welcomed the latest System Three poll which shows that SNP support has surged in the last month, reversing a Labour lead on the first Scottish Parliament vote, increasing the SNP lead on the second, and slashing the gap with Labour for Westminster voting intentions to an historic low.
On the first-past-the-post question for a Scottish Parliament election, the SNP have gained six points since last month to 36%, with Labour falling by seven per cent - putting the SNP three points ahead of Labour. On the second, regional list question, the SNP have gained two points to 35%, while Labour have fallen by four - boosting the SNP lead to eight points.
Labour's 33% on the first question is their lowest equal since System Three began polling in this way in July 1998 (it was also recorded in April). Their 27% on the second question is Labour's worst ever rating.
On Westminster voting intentions, the SNP have gained 7 points to 31%, while Labour have crashed nine points to 39% - dramatically narrowing the gap to just 8 points, compared to 24 points last month. This is the SNP's highest Westminster rating since February 1999, and Labour's lowest since February 1992. SNP leader Mr Alex Salmond MSP said:
"This is an excellent poll, showing a surge in support for the SNP and a slump for Labour. The SNP have a strong lead on both Scottish Parliament questions, and the gap with Labour for a Westminster election has crashed to an historic low of just 8 points - putting Scotland's Party in an extremely powerful position as we approach the General Election.
"Labour are recording their lowest ever Scottish Parliament ratings, and their Westminster standing is the worst since February 1992.
"The SNP are riding high, building on a position of strength, and challenging Labour and the Lib Dems in seats all over Scotland.
"As we pass the first anniversary of the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish people are rejecting the dither and disarray of the Lab/Lib coalition, and the Tory-style policies of Tony Blair in London - and moving towards the strong alternative offered by Scotland's Party.
"This poll shows that SNP support is well above the last elections, with Labour, the Tories, and Lib Dems all down. It confirms that Labour are in a process of steep decline in Scotland, and that the Tories and Lib Dems are languishing in the doldrums. Clearly, more and more Scots want Scotland's Party to run Scotland's Parliament, and want Scotland to become an independent nation."
A projection of this poll to a Scottish Parliament result would give the SNP 48 seats (23 constituency MSPs and 25 additional members); Labour 43 seats (37 and 6); the Liberal Democrats 21 (11 and 10); the Conservatives 12 (1 and 11); the Socialists and Greens two list seats each, while Dennis Canavan - an independent - would hold his constituency.
The Scottish National Party celebrated victory at the end of June in the Musselburgh East by-election in East Lothian Council. The SNP candidate, Roger Knox, turned a Labour majority of 396 last May into an SNP majority of 27. SNP Parliamentary Business Manager Mike Russell welcomed the result:
"This is a tremendous victory for the SNP, overturning a Labour majority of nearly 400, and returning an SNP councillor in the parliamentary seat of Health Minister Susan Deacon. The swing from Labour to the SNP was extremely impressive at over 13%, from May 1999.
"Roger Knox will deliver first-class representation for the people of Musselburgh East, and his success illustrates the strengthening SNP vote as we approach the General Election.
"And in another by-election on the same night - in Polmont - the SNP moved from third to second place, with Labour's vote collapsing."
Note: The result in Musselburgh East was:
By-election (June 2000)
SNP 430 41.3%
Lab 403 38.7%
Lib Dem 131 12.6%
Con 77 7.4%
maj 27
May 1999
Lab 939 55.6%
SNP 543 32.1%
Lib Dem 207 12.3%
maj 396
Speaking at the Scottish National Party's annual Bannockburn March and Rally in Stirling on the 24th of June the SNP's leader, Alex Salmond announced the SNP's plans for a major campaign against the Westminster Government's high fuel tax policy. He said:
"A major SNP campaign over the summer and right up to the General Election will focus attention on London Labour's fuel tax rip-off in Scotland. We will expose the scandal of Scotland as Europe's largest oil and gas producer paying the highest petrol and diesel prices in the industrialised world, because we have the highest fuel tax.
"The damage done by the Tories' fuel tax hikes has been made much worse by Labour. Under Labour, petrol prices have risen by over 40%, with the London Treasury making a 333% profit on every gallon sold.
"As well as hammering motorists, this unfair tax is taking its toll on Scottish industry. It costs Scottish road hauliers twice as much to fuel up compared to their continental rivals.
"Jobs are at stake and a whole industry is threatened by London Labour's disastrous fuel tax policy.
"Labour's petrol and diesel levy is part of their dishonest stealth tax agenda. The SNP will campaign the length and breadth of Scotland to demand that fuel tax is frozen, and our motorists and hauliers at last given a break."
The Bannockburn march and rally is an annual event at which the SNP commemorates the anniversary of Scotland achieving national Independence under King Robert the Bruce, following the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314.
This year's speakers were SNP leader Mr Alex Salmond MSP, Party President Mrs Winnie Ewing MSP, with special guest speaker Mr Jimmy Reid. As well as speeches, music was provided by amongst others the Wallace Band.
Following the revelation that Chancellor Gordon Brown used two different inflation figures in this year's Budget - one hitting motorists with a substantial hike in the costs of petrol while offering pensioners a mere 75 pence increase - the Shadow Transport Minister Mr Kenny MacAskill MSP raised the issue in a Parliamentary debate in the Scottish Parliament.
Mr MacAskill also announced that the SNP are tabling motions on this issue in both the Scottish Parliament and at Westminster. Mr MacAskill said:
"Gordon Brown's has been underhand in using the Government's inflation forecast for next September to hit motorists with a petrol increase of 3.3%, whilst sticking to the inflation level of last September, 1.1%, when increasing the state pensions. That is a dishonest scam which must be condemned by MSPs.
"The SNP will also be stepping up the pressure on London Labour by tabling motions on this matter in both the Scottish Parliament and at Westminster.
"Scottish motorists and hauliers are already paying more than anywhere else in Europe for their fuel. Indeed, the Chancellor is putting a staggering 333% mark-up on every litre of petrol. We need action in Scotland and at Westminster to stop Gordon Brown's double standards of using a high base to hit motorists and road hauliers, and a low base for pension increases."
SNP MSP for the Borders, Christine Grahame has accused the UK Government for failing to avoid punitive tariffs being threatened against Scottish cashmere. Her comments came after news that the US Government is considering the imposition of import tariffs on Scottish cashmere which will almost certainly lead to job cuts in the industry. Ms Grahame said:
"Scottish cashmere was last year given a stay of execution. That was time in which UK ministers should have been seeking a permanent end to this dispute. Instead of negotiating and seeking a deal during that time, the UK Government have sat back and waited until the last minute.
"Only when we have a Government whose commitment is primarily to the workers of Scotland, instead of the Ministers of Westminister, will we see our indigenous industries properly represented and protected."
The latest employment figures published in June showed that International Labour Organisation unemployment figures increased by 10,000 in Scotland in the February-April quarter compared to the previous quarter, while joblessness in the UK as whole FELL by 60,000 in the same period. Commenting on this disparity the Shadow Minister for Enterprise & Lifelong Learning Mr John Swinney MSP said:
"The International Labour Organisation figures show that unemployment in Scotland stood at 192,000 in the February-April quarter - an increase of 10,000 since the previous quarter, and the highest figure for over a year. Meanwhile, unemployment is falling in the UK as a whole - down 60,000 in the same period.
"Labour's London-based economic policies are destroying Scottish jobs. There are 47,000 fewer manufacturing jobs now than when Labour came to power
"One in every eight manufacturing jobs that existed in Scotland since New Labour came to power has been wiped out. At this rate, there would be no manufacturing jobs left in Scotland in fifteen years time.
"Scotland is suffering from a London-based, high interest rates / high pound economic policy. Only with Independence can we develop a strategy that is right for Scottish conditions."
Commenting on the recently released figures that the price of oil is currently over $31 a barrel, Shadow Finance Minister Mr Andrew Wilson MSP said that Scotland was losing out by not having access to increasing tax revenues, while also being hit with the highest petrol prices in Europe.
Mr Wilson said that Scotland needed the kind of Oil Fund that Norway has developed, for investment in the country's infrastructure and public services. Mr Wilson said:
"It was only a little over a year ago that Donald Dewar told a meeting of the Scottish Grand Committee in Edinburgh: 'The oil price is likely to stay at about $10 to $12 a barrel - at least in the foreseeable future. Therefore, we are worlds removed from the oil prices and production levels of the mid-1980s" (1 February 1999).
"In fact, the price of oil is now over $31 a barrel - three times the Labour projection - with production also up.
"But Scotland is losing out in two ways. We are being denied access to the soaring tax revenues, that are going straight into Gordon Brown's Treasury 'war chest', instead of being invested in Scotland's infrastructure and public services. And we are being forced to pay the highest oil prices in Europe, as a result of Gordon Brown's fuel tax policies.
"The oil and gas industry is a key Scottish asset. In Norway, they have developed an Oil Fund that will be worth nearly £50 billion by 2003, with a forecast 10% rate of return - or nearly five billion pounds per annum in interest alone.
"It is vital that control of the revenues is transferred to the Scottish Parliament, so that the people of Scotland can benefit from this buoyant resource."
A bid for Aberdeen to host a top level British Isles forum has been launched by North-east MSPs including the SNP's Richard Lochhead. Mr Lochhead is arguing that the city is the ideal location to host the next meeting of the Council of the Isles which involves Ministers from Edinburgh, Westminster, Dublin, Belfast and Cardiff.
He has tabled a Holyrood motion calling on the Scottish Executive to choose the city for the next Council to acknowledge the work of Aberdeen University's Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies.
Mr Lochhead said:
"It should be recognised that Aberdeen has made a headstart in forging links between Scotland and Ireland," said Mr Lochhead yesterday.
"Given the enthusiasm to embrace the matter, in particular the University of Aberdeen and Professor Tom Devine's research institute, I think the city has a strong case.
"There is no reason it should automatically go to Glasgow or Edinburgh. Aberdeen has a proven case in this area and that should be recognised."
Scotland's national flag - the saltire - should be properly defined according to the SNP's Deputy Shadow Culture Minister Mrs Irene McGugan MSP. Her call came after the issue was raised at the Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament. Ms McGugan said:
"It is ridiculous that Scotland's national Parliament has no role in defining Scotland's national flag.
"Over the last few years, the Saltire as re-emerged from the Union Flag as an important symbol of Scotland's national identity. Every other nation respects and defines their official flag properly, and now that we have a national Parliament, Scotland should do the same.
"The Saltire has very strong and positive associations at home and around the world, and has been carried by our sporting fans and others in a spirit of friendliness and goodwill.
"As well as having our flag officially defined, the Saltire should also fly alongside all the other flags of the world as the symbol of a free and independent Scotland."
SNP MSP's have given their full backing to a cross party debate to discuss Scottish traditional music and highlight the need for Scotland's traditional arts and music to be given a central place in the forthcoming National Cultural Strategy.
The Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish and Westminster Parliaments for Perth, who submitted the Motion, Ms Roseanna Cunningham MP MSP, said:
"For a long time I have been a passionate advocate of Scotland's traditional arts and music and this gives me the opportunity to put that advocacy on the record in Parliament.
"Indeed, it is, as far as I am aware, the first time that Scotland's traditional music has been the subject of a parliamentary debate in the UK. That seems to me to be an extraordinary state of affairs for what is, after all, an absolutely unique and vital part of our culture.
"Excluding broadcasting, arts and culture are rarely debated at Westminster. In the Scottish Parliament we have done rather better with one full-scale debate already.
"However, it has to be said that these broader debates tend to focus on what are euphemistically called the 'national companies' - i.e. opera, ballet, orchestras etc. - almost to the exclusion of almost every other aspect of culture. That distorts the debate.
"None of those cultural endeavours are unique to Scotland. But Scotland's own music, song and dance are unique. If they are neglected, if they stop evolving, if they die out - then something absolutely irreplaceable in world terms is gone. They deserve the utmost recognition and support - at every level - so while this may be the first debate on this subject, I hope it will not be the last!"
SNP Leader Alex Salmond has written to Tony Blair urging him to intervene over the issue of UK Ministers' refusing to appear before Scottish Parliamentary Committees.
His letter follows the refusal of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, and the London-based Scottish Secretary, John Reid, to attend the Scottish Parliament's European and Finance committees who are currently conducting an investigation into the Treasury's unsatisfactory method of allocating European Union structural funding in Scotland.
It is felt that the failure of successive UK governments to treat structural funding as truly additional to normal public expenditure north of the Border has meant that Scotland has been denied spending of some £730 million since 1993 - the equivalent of £150 for every man, woman and child.
In his letter Mr Salmond said:
"Since Scottish Parliament committees cannot compel Westminster Ministers to appear before them - although Westminster committees can compel Scottish Ministers - will you instruct your Cabinet Ministers to stop treating Scotland's Parliament with contempt?
"Will you order your Ministers to attend all evidence sessions of Scottish Parliament committees that they are invited to, ensure that their officials attend if asked, and provide all relevant documentation that is requested?
"The attempts of Westminster Ministers to block the work of the Scottish Parliament in areas that are affected by reserved functions is totally unacceptable, and is an attack on the rights and responsibilities of the Parliament."
A Bill has been announced in the Westminster Parliament by Labour MP Frank Field, which would prevent Scots MPs at Westminster from voting on legislation affecting only England and Wales, and would stop MPs from Scottish constituencies becoming Cabinet Members in devolved areas. Commenting on the Bill the Scottish National Party's Deputy Leader Mr John Swinney MSP said:
"Labour are totally divided on the consequences of Scottish self-government. Labour MPs south of the Border are trying to steal the Tory Party's clothes, leaving their counterparts north of the Border totally exposed.
"As a point of principle, SNP MPs don't vote on English domestic legislation. Of course, the best arrangement would be to have no Scottish MPs voting at Westminster, with both Scotland and England as independent nations!"
Hope those of you in the US had a great 4th of July to celebrate Independence Day. Till next month.
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