
Issue 25, May 2000
NOTE-- due to regulations set by the Labour party in London
Only persons with the right to vote in the UK may contribute directly
to the SNP. Supporters who have no vote in the UK are asked to
contribute to our North America Fund, the income from which is retained
in North America to support awareness-raising there about Scotland and
the SNP.
E-campaigning is to be at the centre of SNP efforts to open up direct lines of communication with key sections of the Scottish electorate. The move will target students and senior citizens - who are emerging as the fastest growing group of internet users - as part of the SNP's campaign for the Westminster general election.
Launched at the SNP's special national conference in Perth by party leader Alex Salmond, who uploaded a re-launched party website onto the world-wide-web, the site will be updated seven days a week with latest news, photographs and campaign updates.
Commenting on the launch of the website and new look, SNP deputy leader John Swinney MSP MP said:
"The SNP's new look is all part of a process that is helping shape our strategy for the general election. The objective for that campaign will be to combine sharp, focussed publicity literature with a tireless, proven approach to electioneering. Our website will provide a gateway into a wealth of information about the SNP and our vision of an independent Scotland.
"The SNP piloted the news and campaign driven format of the re-launched site in the Ayr by-election. That website was a huge success in that it allowed us to open up a dialogue with key sectors of the electorate, and its news format encouraged people to visit time and time again. The SNP is switched on to new technology as a route to election success."
The new site has an updated address and can be accessed on www.snp.org
At the SNP's two-day Special National Conference in Perth last month Scottish National Party leader Mr Alex Salmond MSP launched the SNP's campaign for the next Westminster election.
As well as launching the SNP's election campaign the conference also reviewed the Party's Constitution in order to bring it into line with the new structures of Scotland's democracy. Commenting on the campaign and the conference Mr Salmond said:
"The SNP have never been in better standing or better heart for the electoral opportunities ahead. For the first time, the SNP are meeting in Conference when we are leading in the Scottish parliamentary polls.
"We have achieved swings of over 20 per cent in the Hamilton and Ayr by-elections. This Conference is about building the Party, so that we can deliver success across Scotland.
"The Special Conference puts the SNP on full election footing. The coming UK election is an integral part of the Independence process, and our strategy of securing and winning a referendum decision for national freedom.
"The SNP's ambition for Scotland reflects mainstream Scottish opinion. The vast majority of Scots - 62% in a BBC poll, including two-thirds of Labour voters - want to expand the powers of the Scottish Parliament, and use these powers to create economic prosperity and social justice in Scotland.
"The job of our Sepcial Conference - and all of the SNP's activities in the weeks and months ahead - is to focus on the success that is within our grasp."
Also commenting was Perth's local representative and Shadow Justice Minister Ms Roseanna Cunningham MSP who said:
"When I won the Perth & Kinross by-election almost exactly five years ago, the SNP nonetheless remained a small Westminster party.
"In the new Scottish Parliament of the new century, the SNP are a formidable Opposition, well on our way to becoming the government.
"The SNP are the big winners of the new politics in Scotland."
Labour suffered humiliation in local elections held in England last month as well as the London Mayoral elections. In addition a surprise by-election victory for the LibDems over the Tories only highlighted their problems north of the border. Commenting on last month's results the SNP's Business Manager Mr Mike Russell MSP said:
"On the anniversary of the first Scottish Parliament election, the English election results were bad news for all of the London-based parties.
"Labour suffered a poll meltdown, and a truly disastrous performance. Their control freakery has come totally unstuck with the election of ex-Labour MP Ken Livingstone as London Mayor as well as the loss of hundreds of council seats.
"For the Tories, the loss of the Romsey by-election - one of their safest parliamentary seats - is a body blow. It shows that the Tories are even more unpopular in a Westminster election now than they were in the wipe-out of 1997. To lose a by-election in Opposition is an extraordinary set-back.
"And the Lib Dem victory in Romsey underlines their dismal performance in Scotland. In England, the Lib Dems are capable of winning a by-election as an opposition party, whereas as part of the Labour-led administration in Scotland, they lose their deposit in by-elections and get out-polled by the Scottish Socialists and Hamilton Football supporters!
"The London-based parties all have substantial problems in Scotland, in the face of a powerful and sustained SNP challenge."
Reports in The Sun newspaper have shown that gasoline now costs over £4 a gallon (US $6) and could reach £5 (US $7.50) before the end of the year. Commenting on these startling figures Shadow Transport and Environment Minister Mr Kenny MacAskill MSP said:
"These figures confirm the utter nonsense of the fuel tax escalator and the pressure it places on ordinary motorists across the country. Despite his claim, Gordon Brown still increased fuel duty above inflation in this year's Budget.
"The evidence is clear. These figures show that although Scotland produces enough oil to bankroll the UK we are still paying the highest fuel prices in Europe. The price of fuel could be cut drastically if the Chancellor was prepared to give back some of the 86% he collects in taxes.
"The government invests only £6billion (US $9billion) in roads and transport despite receiving £36 billion (US $54billion) in fuel tax. A halt must be called to the highway robbery perpetrated each year by the Chancellor."
The London-based Scotland Secretary, John Reid, has been heavily criticised for failing to appear before the Scottish Parliament's European Committee in order to give evidence on the unsatisfactory method of allocating European Structural Funding in Scotland. The Minister made his refusal via a letter to Committee Chairman Hugh Henry MSP. Commenting on the refusal one of the SNP's European Committee Member Mr Bruce Crawford MSP said:
"John Reid is wasting over £5 million of public money by empire-building in his non-department, and now he snubbing the Scottish Parliament by refusing to appear before one of its committees.
"John Reid is clearly London's man in Scotland, not Scotland's man in London. Refusing to give evidence to the Scottish Parliament is a very serious matter, and shows that Dr Reid has no interest in engaging with Scotland's new democracy.
"Instead of wasting money that could otherwise be spent on health and education, and treating the Scottish Parliament with disdain, the Scotland Office should be abolished immediately.
"All that John Reid and his junior deputy Brian Wilson do is attack the SNP at public expense. This insult to the Scottish Parliament by a London-based minister is yet another reason why John Reid's non-department should be scrapped."
Speaking to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in Edinburgh on 10 May the Scottish National Party leader Mr Alex Salmond MSP laid out a vision of a nation where the national wealth would benefit all. He said:
"After the first year, the Scottish Parliament has now established itself, and is throwing a powerful democratic spotlight on the government of Scotland. That is good news for Scotland, and is good for our democracy. But people will rightly also expect the Lab/Lib administration to start delivering on Scotland's social priorities.
"And these priorities are pressing. Just as Scotland is failing to realise our enormous economic potential, our existing arrangements are failing many of our fellow citizens and society as a whole.
"Scottish children face one of the highest risks of growing up in poverty in the European Union. One third of Scottish pensioners have no source of income other than the state pension. One in four Scots live in working age households where no adult is in employment - double the proportion of two decades ago.
"These are the cold facts of life for far too many in Scotland that must be changed. But for this to happen, Scotland needs to have control over our abundant resources, with the powers of an independent Parliament.
"Even after the Budget, Gordon Brown is sitting on a 'war chest' of £60 billion over the next five years - £20 billion of it made up of North Sea oil and gas revenues.
"Instead of being hoarded in London, Scottish resources must be available for investment in our social infrastructure. We must aim high and include all in the wealth of the nation."
Nearly 47,000 jobs have been lost in Scottish manufacturing. This was the facts discovered by the Shadow Finance Minister Mr Andrew Wilson MSP in the text of a Scottish Parliament written answer he received.
The written answer compares the number of people employed in Scotland in winter 1999, compared to winter 1997. For manufacturing, the table shows that 391,000 people were employed in manufacturing industry in 1997 - falling by a massive 47,000, to 344,000, by 1999. Commenting on the information, Mr Wilson said:
"These figures show just how bad Labour's London-based economic policies are for Scottish manufacturing industry. One in every eight manufacturing jobs that existed in Scotland when New Labour came to power has been wiped out.
"At this rate, there would be no manufacturing jobs left in Scotland in fifteen years time.
"London Labour's high pound/high interest rates policy is devastating the Scottish economy, particularly the manufacturing sector. It shows the need for Scotland to enter the euro as soon as possible."
Speaking during UK Tory leader William Hague's visit to Scotland last month, the Convener of the "Scots Asians for Independence" group Mr Bashir Ahmed condemned Mr Hague's "skinhead" asylum and immigration policies. Mr Ahmed, who is also Chairman of the Glasgow-based Pakistani Welfare Trust, said:
"Under the leadership of William Hague, the Tory Party has shifted drastically to the right. He tried to whip up an intolerant, xenophobic climate of opinion south of the Border, just to win some seats in the English local elections.
"He must not be allowed to get away with his 'skinhead' politics in Scotland. We are trying to develop a better, more open and inclusive kind of politics in Scotland with our Parliament, where we all feel part of the same society. Mr Hague's policies threaten that.
"Day and daily, Asians have visa applications to attend family events in the UK turned down, and now William Hague wants to lock up asylum seekers - the vast majority of whom are decent, law-abiding people, who find themselves destitute through no fault of their own.
"It is to the shame of Malcolm Rifkind - the Scottish Tories President - that he is prepared to be William Hague's standard bearer in Scotland, and defend Mr Hague's indefensible 'skinhead' politics."
The London-based Ministry of Agriculture failed to tell its Scottish copunterpart for a month about genetically modified (GM) seeds which were imported to be used in crop trials in Scotland. This was the facts discovered by Kenny MacAskill when he questioned the Rural Affairs Minsiter in the Scottish Parliament.
Commenting on the failure of the London-based Minsister of Agriculture, Nick Brown, to inform the Scottish department the SNP's deputy leader said:
"Nick Brown's failure to tell the Scottish government about the GM-contaminated seed was in clear breach of the Concordat which states that there must be, 'good communication in both directions and the avoidance of surprises for either party'.
"It just shows that the contempt for Scotland and Scottish democracy is still pervasive in the corridors of London power."
May heralded the first anniversary of the Scottish Parliament election, and the the Scottish National Party released facts and figures illustrating the growth in the Party's support over the past year. These were:
* The SNP are vying with Labour in the Herald/System Three poll for first place.,
* The most recent Scotsman/ICM poll showed that 68% of Scots want more constitutional change.
* The latest poll on an Independence referendum - Scotland on Sunday/ICM - showed that a majority would vote Yes to Independence: Yes: 47%, No: 43%.
* A recent Herald/System Three poll on leadership ratings shows that Alex Salmond is well ahead of his rivals, with a positive rating of plus 30.
* In the Ayr by-election, the SNP secured a swing of 21.4% from Labour since the last Westminster election.
* On the basis of the Ayr swing, the SNP would have 58 seats in the Scottish Parliament. Labour would have 26.
* The Scottish Parliamentary Election Study published in March showed that 77% of Scots choose Scottish identity as their primary identity.
Latest Scottish NHS waiting list figures have show a 6% increase from December to March to 82,334: 17.2% higher than in March 1999. Commenting on the figures the Shadow Health Minister Mrs Kay Ullrich MSP said:
"Labour have broken their key election pledge, which was to get waiting lists down and 'keep them down'. In the last year, waiting lists have increased by over 17%, which shows that our health service is seriously over-stretched and under-resourced.
"All we have had from Health Minister Susan Deacon is complacency and arrogance in her reaction to problems in the health service, and a refusal to accept responsibility for what is happening.
"Ms Deacon tried to play down the winter crisis, but it has clearly had a major and ongoing impact on waiting lists, which illustrates the problem of over-stretch.
"Having broken their promise to cut waiting lists and keep them down, Labour need to focus on the real problems at long last, instead of trying to hide them with spin."
According to Travelweb.com, many of Scotland's finest hotels are in England! The US based search engine recognises Scotland and England as distinct countries, but may need a nudge to have a geography lesson, according to Fergus Ewing, the SNP's Tourism spokesperson.
Travelweb lists the Knockie Lodge of Whitebridge, Inverness-shire as being located in Inverness, England. Similarly, the famed Edinburgh Balmoral Hotel is listed under Edinburgh, England. Mr Ewing, who wrote a letter to the company asking them to correct their mistakes, has received assurances that they will make corrections but they still remain. If readers wish to give them a nudge you can write to them via http://www.travelweb.com