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NOTE-- due to regulations set by the Labour party in LondonOnly persons with the right to vote in the UK may contribute directly to the SNP. Supporters who have no vote in the UK are asked to contribute to our North America Fund, the income from which is retained in North America to support awareness-raising there about Scotland and the SNP.Welcome to the sixth edition of the Scottish National Party's North American Network Newsletter. Firstly we have to thank all those recipients who helped in the campaign to lobby Viasystems in Missouri to reverse its decision to close two factories in the Scottish Borders. However the company went ahead with its decision to make 1000 employees redundant and move production to a factory in the North of England which was being subsidised by the Government. SNP Chief Executive Mike Russell said of the closure: "Viasystems in Selkirk and Galashiels was a profitable operation with a strong reputation and a highly skilled workforce which was central to the economy of the Scottish borders. "The Labour Government's role in this whole affair smacks of the usual political maneuvering to hold votes in the north of England at the expense of Scottish jobs." "I would also like to thank all those supporters in North America who took part in this campaign to retain the plant." Meanwhile we can announce some brighter news of our activities in North America. We have been in touch with representatives of Clan MacFarlane who carry a link to the SNP's website on their own site. At present they are campaigning for the establishment of a MacFarlane Heritage Center, in the Tarbet-Arrochar region of Argyllshire. They hope this will serve as a means to tell the story of the Clan MacFarlane and help the tourist industry in the area. We wish them well as tourism and the attraction of Scottish heritage is a vital industry in Scotland. Anyone wishing to know more about the campaign can contact Michael MacFarlane on michael@macfarlane.org. Or visit their website on http://www.macfarlane.org. Finally, Judy McClenning, a video producer from Philadelphia, will be screening her video, "Unfinished Business" at the St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia on October 28. "Unfinished Business" is a documentary on the views and opinions of SNP members during the Scottish Parliament referendum last year. The St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia helped fund this project and has also asked her to give a talk about the current state of Scottish politics. Anyone wishing to contact Judy about her video can contact her on judyface@worldnet.att.net. NORTH EAST SCOTLAND BY-ELECTION The by-election for the European Parliament seat of North-East Scotland will be held on Thursday November the 26th. As readers will know this by-election was caused by the sad death of the SNP's deputy leader Allan Macartney. It is vital that the SNP holds this seat. It covers an eighth of the Scottish population and includes the tow cities of Dundee and Aberdeen. It was taken from the Labour party in the 1994 Euro-elections with a huge swing - the only seat they lost in that election. To hold this seat the party needs funds to fight the campaign. In line with the recent Neil Commission report on the funding of political parties we are appealling to all ex-patriate supporters who are still UK Citizens to dig deep and send donations. Credit card donations can be made through our secure server on our website on www.snp.org.uk. SNP ANNUAL CONFERENCE - THE BIGGEST YET With just under seven months to go until the re-establishment of the first Scottish Parliament in 300 years the SNP held its best attended and biggest conference ever. The importance of the conference was highlighted by the attendance of many diplomats, foreign journalists and business representatives. During his speech to conference the SNP's leader Alex Salmond MP outlined the party's vision. He said: "We have had General Elections in Scotland before. But this is the first ever Scottish General Election and I want to lay out the identity, the ideals and the vision that we will articulate, campaign on, and implement if the people choose the SNP. "We are a party based on the strongest of ideals on the core Scottish values of Enterprise, Compassion and Democracy. "Enterprise because no one in this world owes us a living. The House of Commons Library has pointed out that Scotland would be the 7th most prosperous country in the world. "We will succeed by our own efforts - by creating the right conditions for the natural entrepreneuriship of our people to flourish. "Compassion because Scotland will flourish not only because its economy will do well, but also because we shall be a just nation. "The Scottish National Party is about social justice or it is about nothing. A free Scotland will free Scots. "Democracy because self government for Scotland is not an event but a process. It is a process in which every institution is empowered by the democratic intellect. "And so we have a secure identity as Scotlands Party based on our ideals of enterprise, compassion and democracy. "Its also about where we are going to that matters and going together. When you are confident about your nationhood you don't have to prove how Scottish you are. "One of the very best things about the road to independence is the opportunity it offers for a grown up relationship with our neighbours in England. "This party doesnt blame the English or anyone else for the state of Scotland. There is no place for racism or bigotry in Scotland or the SNP. At each and every election we have the ability to vote ourselves into independence "This party can now reach out and touch the Scottish horizon "Let us inspire the people all the people - with our vision and with our sense of excitement and infinite possibility. "Let us help all of Scotland to touch - to grasp, - to reach that Scottish horizon." THE GLOBAL ECONOMY - LABOUR'S ECONOMIC POLICY IS ALL WRONG FOR SCOTLAND Responding to the downturn in the world's economy the leader of the SNP Alex Salmond rounded on Labour's economic policy as being wholly inappropriate for the month's ahead. In recent months there have been many job losses as companies pull out because of the UK's high interest rates and high pound. Alex Salmond said: "It's all very familiar of the Tory Government? When things went well it was down to them. When things went badly it was all the global economy. ""Theres nothing we can do" say the Labour party thats not a policy, thats an abdication of responsibility. Gordon Brown may be a Scottish MP but he is clueless about Scottish economic policy! Everything he does is geared towards the overheating economy of south-east England. "There are things we must do: we must get out of the position of sky high interest rates and an overvalued exchange rate. We must have an economic policy that is relevant to Scottish conditions. "The Scottish Parliament will have a limited effect on economic policy. That is a fact that in itself makes the case for independence independence that can restore our economy and free our enterprise." SNP LAUNCHES NEW UPDATED WEBSITE The Scottish National Party launched its new updated website at the SNP Internet Group stall at its annual national conference. Commenting on the launch of the new site Roseanna Cunningham MP, the SNP's most technologically wired member of Parliament with her own website said: "This is an exciting development for the party and it opens up the SNP to more communication. My website is an important part of my campaigning activities and an important part of the services I deliver to my constituents and this site will draw even more visitors. "Our new updated website is an indication of how this party is moving forward seriously for the Scottish Parliamentary elections. It will be available in three languages - Scots, English and Gaelic - has an SNP Shop with a secure server for purchases, and a map detailing the seats for the Scottish Parliament elections with biographies on our selected candidates." Also appearing at the launch will be the SNP Chief Executive, Michael Russell, who chairs the Party's Internet Group, added: "We will now be making available our publications as soon as they are available and to the widest audience possible. We will be using the most up-to-date technology which will allow readers to download print quality copies of our documents." Anyone wishing to visit the SNP's Online Shop can access it on http://www.cortex.co.uk/snp/catalogue/index.cfm. There is Affinity Merchandise - Quality items emblazoned with party or national emblems; and Publications - Books and publications on contemporary and historical topics. A secure server is available for credit card purchases and there is a currency converter so you know the price - subject to GordonBrown's economic policies. THE SCOTTISH BANNER - "SCOTTISH POLITICS ARE EXCITING" We have also been in touch with the Scottish Banner - a monthly international newspaper for ex-pat Scots serving Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand which has been publishing every month since 1978. This vast spread gives them a large readership of not less than 150,000. Research has shown they are the only monthly Scottish publication in these major countries. We are now in correspondence with them and send on the latest stories regarding the SNP. We were very encouraged by an article by their editor, Val Cairney, in the October edition entitled "Scottish politics are exciting". In the article Val says: "These are exciting days for a country which has no government of its own, and has little or no say in running itself. "The winds of change are blowing across Scotland these days, bringing with them a resurgence in Scottish pride. Everybody wants to join in, or at least be kept informed. At the 'Scottish Banner' we will continue to listen to our readers, giving them the information they demand on the mood of the country and what it might mean during next years elections. "Over the past few months, polls for Scottish Parliament have shown the electoral battle is between the SNP and Labour. "The SNP want, and have asked for, the help and ideas of those who now live outside Scotland. "Scotland is going through exciting but challenging times. In the months ahead there will be high days and there will be low days. They have asked for support from outside Scotland. They are fighting for a new Scotland. We must get behind them. NOW!" The Scottish Banner website can be accessed on www.scotbanner.com. STUDENT INTERNSHIPS Are there any students out there interested in working with the SNP in Edinburgh or Westminster? For several years student interns from a number of American universities have been helping the SNP Parliamentary Group in Westminster. Their help has been much appreciated.
If you are a student, or know of a student, who is interested in such an intern position - they now help us in Edinburgh - you can get in touch with past interns who worked for the SNP in Parliament. They are Doug Foster, Jessica Dvorak and Seamus Brown who can be contacted on the following e-mail addresses:
Doug Foster - dcfoster@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu LATEST OPINION POLLS - STILL NECK AND NECK Labour's much hyped comeback against the SNP in the opinion polls has stalled. The latest System 3 poll in the Herald showed Labour's three-point lead narrow to one point in the constituency Scottish Parliament vote. On the party preference vote the SNP lead held a 1-point lead. Commenting on the poll SNP Chief Executive Mr Michael Russell said: "This poll still shows what we have always maintained - that the race for the Scottish Parliament election is neck and neck between the SNP and New Labour. "It would appear that Labour's much lauded Summer of Scrutiny against the SNP is turning into an Autumn of Angst - or a Fall of Fiasco as they may say in North America." ALEX SALMOND MEETS PRINCE CHARLES SNP leader Alex Salmond emerged from his private chat with Prince Charles delighted with what he described as "an extremely enjoyable meeting". The content of their discussion remained secret, however - apart from the fact the prince offered the putative leader of an independent Scotland "something stronger than tea". Mr Salmond said: "I respect the wish for privacy and cannot speak in detail about the contents of our discussion." Mr Salmond spent 90 minutes with Prince Charles - half an hour more than planned - explaining SNP policies. Although no details were given, or even leaked, it is understood the main topics of conversation were the future of the monarchy in an independent Scotland and, possibly, the SNP's ideas for land reform. MORE ARTICLES OF INTEREST We continue with our articles of interest for readers. One is a review by Joan McAlpine of a play by the Scottish Theatre Company 7:84. The play is being seen as realistic insight into the undemocratic nature of the Labour party's internal workings and its control by London. The second article is by Gordon Brewer - a London-based TV journalist - who reviews a book by Jeremy Paxman on his new study of Englishness and how it reveals its debt to Scotland. ...AND FINALLY - THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE SNP WEBSITE Firstly please note that the e-mail addresses of two of the North American Advisory Committee have been changed. Garth Edward is now gedward@natsource.com and Ewan Innes is on ewan@scottishhistory.com. Oh and remember to visit our website and the SNP Shop on www.snp.org.uk. See you next month. SNP